Engagement Ring vs Halo Diamond Wedding Ring: Which one to choose?
Element of great symbolism and a lot of feeling, Halo Diamond Wedding Ring are the greatest representation of a couple's love.
Rings are the Sweetest Memories
We want to talk about a subject that brings us here at BBBGEM many delicious memories. It has so much symbology involved that we get emotional every time we look at our fingers. Plus, he's one of those complete posts, you know? The ones that we copy and paste in whatsapp about the love of our lives! Here's a tip, lol.
Definitely the Halo Diamond Wedding Ring ceremony will always be our favorite moment of the wedding: a whirlwind of emotions, tears, heart pounding and love overflowing. Here are all our tips for organizing the perfect wedding ceremony!
Which is the best Halo Diamond Wedding Ring?
The moment when you say your vows and exchange your rings is unforgettable! It's so cool to put the ring on the finger of the love of your life! It's God's thing, a symbol of His love for us! Check out the details of the moment of the alliances.
Before arriving at this part of the ceremony where time seems to stand still, there is another, very personal one, which is the choice of wedding rings. There is your essence, your history, your future; all concentrated in that little accessory whose shape has neither beginning nor end. Today we are going to talk about them.
Wedding Rings Tell the Couple Story
In many relationships, Halo Diamond Wedding Ring follows the couple's story, of the heart that is increasingly in love. This bond of surrender and love is already present:
in courtship
in the proposal of marriage
then in the engagement and
finally, in the wedding, when that heart beats even faster, with strong emotion.
Find out how to make the perfect marriage proposal here!
Engagement Rings
Some newlyweds choose to purchase the rings when making their marriage proposal. In this case, the rings are used throughout the engagement and, when the wedding approaches, the bride and groom have two options: use the same rings they used during the engagement or upgrade the model. See more tips for choosing your wedding band safely.
Engagement Ring vs Halo Diamond Wedding Ring
There is also the option to present the bride with an engagement ring. In which case only she will wear this ring during the engagement, and after the wedding she will wear the ring together with the wedding ring or just the ring.
You may not know it, but using this universal icon of marriage as a reminder of commitment between two people who love each other is a tradition that goes back a long way.
Which is the best finger for wedding ring?
Did you know that the Romans believed that the fourth finger of the left hand ran through a vein connected directly to the heart? What a beautiful story, right?
That's why today the finger of the Halo Diamond Wedding Ring is the ring on the left hand, because of this symbolic value. Very cute, right? It wasn't until the ninth century that the Catholic Church began to use the wedding ring as a symbol of union and fidelity between couples.
Pencil tip: when choosing wedding rings, always take into account your personality and personal taste (your love too) in all aspects, ok?
Do a Proper Research before Buying Halo Diamond Wedding Ring
Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration! The research phase starts about six months before the date. Okay, we know that you must already have a lot of folders since you were asked for an engagement, and now it's time to show everything to your love so you can start making decisions.
In addition to the virtual search, keep an eye on jewelry store windows, talk about what you like and dislike, and if applicable, come in to try. So you can get an idea of the features that make them happy. An important detail: choose a Halo Diamond Wedding Ring that is comfortable and durable as well as beautiful.
You are going to wear this ring for a long, long time! We're even seeing you, with little white hair and full of wrinkles, sitting on the bench in the square, holding hands… Cutest thing, right?
Wedding ring a complete guide
When choosing the wedding rings of your dreams, remember that custom models, made to measure, take some time to be ready. Same thing if you plan to make a recording – it can take up to a month. Calculate the time needed to not run the risk of the alliances not being ready on the right date, ok?
Choosing the perfect alliance template!
As you may already know, there are an endless number of wedding rings on the market and jewelry stores specializing in the subject, which have many collections and suggestions of all kinds. If you are enchanted by one of these line models, three months in advance is more than enough to define their form, type and payment terms.
–BBBGEM Tip: if you are in doubt which model to choose, select two or three Halo Diamond Wedding Ring that you have fallen in love with and go back to the store to try them on several times before making the decision.
Traditional Wedding Ring:
Plain gold wedding band designs are the most traditional. Do you know the ones your parents and grandparents use? Without any details, they are the most timeless.
With precious stones:
Templates for wedding rings with gemstones and diamonds can be added to the design. Each year, one more stone can be added to the alliance.
Silver, white or rosé gold, or mixed:
For couples who are a little away from the traditional, the models of Halo Diamond Wedding Ring with a mix of metals can make them unique and sophisticated. Everything goes here: mixing metals, leather, colors, textures, it's letting your imagination run wild.
The yellow gold wedding band is still the most popular and best sold in Brazil. “It's always the right choice for those who don't want to make mistakes and want material that will last a lifetime.
The white and rose gold wedding band is starting to gain traction. It is perfect for couples who want to innovate and move away from the traditional yellow gold. They are very charming and also durable.
The square wedding band does not necessarily take the square shape with four sides. The square wedding band is named for its straight and non-rounded ends. It's a great choice for modern couples.
If you are looking for something with a lot of personality, there are several different Halo Diamond Wedding Ring on the market, most of them made to order. The great advantage of this option is to have unique and stylish wedding rings.