Amethyst Engagement Ring –Gorgeous Ring That Won’t Break Your Bank

Amethyst Engagement Ring-Find The Guide To This New Trend:

If you think Diamond is a big no and traditional gemstones are now old fashion? Then Amethyst engagement ring is your best shot. This not so trendy but recently added to the favorite gemstone list from fashionista will match your unique presence. So buy an Amethyst engagement ring and be ready to stand out from the cue of conventional brides.

Want to know further about the Amethyst engagement ring? Then drag the cursor below to find about color, price, and much more.

Amethyst Engagement Ring

About Amethyst stone:

Amethyst belongs to the family of quartz. You can find this stone in earlier times which is why the stone is regarded as an ancient one. Moreover, you can buy an Amethyst engagement ring in different color ranging from deep dark violet to light and calm purple hue. However, the finest quality Amethyst stone is transparent.

History and lore:

The word Amethyst comes from the Greek word "Amethustos" which simply means sober. Thus Greeks used to believe that amethyst tends to resist the drunken state. Therefore in earlier times, the wine glass was made up of Amethysts to prevent the drinker to get heavily drunk. Furthermore, the Egyptians consider the stone the antidote of wine.

Amethyst was the most favorite gem of Queen Catherine of Russia. Moreover, Monarchs used Amethyst as a sign of royalty. Accordingly, the Chinese philosophy declares Amethyst as the wealth earner.

Powers of Amethyst:

Amethyst was thought to treat certain ailments. For instance, traditional Chinese medicines treat stomach pain and bad dreams with it. On the other hand, it also heals the lung's illness. Moreover Amethyst has great power in treating nervous system disorders.

Amethyst works like magic for people suffering from stress and depression and reduces insomnia.

Physical Properties of Amethyst:

With a specific gravity of 2.6-2.7 Amethyst belongs to the quartz family. The Amethyst stone ranks 7 on the Moh's scale of hardness which makes it a convenient choice for an Amethyst engagement ring. The stone bears silicate chemical classification and possesses a hexagonal crystal system.

Color zoning:

The growing process of Amethyst is a bit slow thus the composition of water in which it grows varies with time. As time passes the varying composition of water allows iron traces to incorporate on the crystal surface. Thus the iron is modified by radiations emitted through minerals to the surrounding rocks and it produces purple color. Due to this way some purple color zones develop in the crystal.

Geologic occurrence:

Many countries are producing Amethyst sedimentary stones. However, the production quantity is not sufficient. Amethyst is usually found in the cavities of rocks. For instance, Brazil and Uruguay produce Amethyst found inside the basalt flow cavities.

Countries for example Canada, Madagascar, Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka, and the United States are producing fine quality Amethyst.

Treatments for Amethyst:

Amethyst bears heat treatments to modify its color. The yellow color quartz sold afterward the heat treatment as citrine is Amethyst. However, the Amethyst color can also change to pale green after natural and synthetic heat treatment and sold as Prasiolite.

Moreover, heat treatment lightens the color of gems and reduces the brownish touch present in natural materials.

Amethyst rings vs. Diamond rings:

Whenever we discuss any non-traditional ring a comparison with diamond is most important to get a clear picture. No one can deny the fact that diamonds are the most lovable gems. But the fact that Amethyst comes in bright and shiny colors with a low price tag catches the attention.

However Amethyst is not as harder as Diamonds. Still, it is good for everyday wear and with little effort, it will resist scratches.

Caring for your Amethyst ring:

Clean your Amethyst ring with a non-harsh cleaner. Do not use alcohol-based products to clean it then it will survive for longer times. Moreover use a jewelry box that does not contain any hard jewel so that it will be saved from abrasion. Make sure your ring is not exposed to direct sunlight otherwise the color will fade away. Moreover, the Amethyst ring could be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner and dried using a towel or soft cloth.

Amethyst cut:

A cut enhances the beauty of the stone. Amethyst is available in almost every cut Diamonds are available. Here you can find several faceted Amethyst cuts.

Step cuts:

A layered cut is also known as a step cut. So if you want a perfect ring to choose these cuts:

Asscher cut:

The Asscher cut is a square cut with cut off corners to set it in the ring easily. Thus this Asscher cut reflects light off of each parallel facet that is why it is known as the "hall of mirrors".

Emerald cut:

The elongated Amethyst cuts in a way that it contains two parallel sides with mitered corners. The long and slender finger look can easily be achieved by this cut.


In this cut, you can observe sharp corners and a more elongated form than an emerald cut to create magic vibes.

Brilliant cuts:

Who doesn't love curved surfaces? That brings edge less peace. If you want a traditional design Amethyst ring to choose these cuts:

Oval cut:

The elongated oval shape is the more delicate version of a round cut. This cut is included in the most popular category by ring experts.

Round cut:

Since ancient time's people are choosing a round cut for their engagement rings. A perfectly rounded stone explains the capabilities of the designer. To add maximum sparkle to your ring you can purchase round Amethyst rings from BBBGEM.

Cushion cut:

The modified version of Asscher cut having round ends but straight sides will retain the sparkle. If you love the chick look then order a halo-style cushion cut engagement ring from BBBGEM.

Princess cut:
The brilliant shiny appearance of this cut proves to create romantic vibes. The facet patterns give brilliant cuts feels but with sharp corners.

Inclusions in Amethyst:

The deep red needles of hematite are included in Amethyst stone. The elongated needles in natural Amethyst are visible if not properly treated. Always check for inclusions in light when you are buying your favorite Amethyst ring.

The grading system for Amethyst:

The grading system of Amethyst includes three types of symbols. For instance, Natural AAAA, Natural AAA, Natural AA.

AAAA Gradings:

The top 10% natural Amethyst lies in this grading category. The amethyst lies in this category have a dark purple hue with eye free inclusions. This stone possesses a fine brilliant cut.

AAA Gradings:

20-30% of fine quality Amethyst lies in this grading system. The Amethyst in this category has slight inclusions and a medium purple hue.

AA Gradings:

50-75% of natural Amethyst possess AA grading. AA graded Amethyst has a light purple color with visible inclusions.

Amethyst Engagement Ring

Cost of Amethyst:

In earlier times when the mining process for Amethyst was slow, it was the most expensive stone. Later on, with the large discovery of Amethyst deposits, it becomes less expensive than other gems.

The cost of one carat Amethyst lies in the range of $8.00 to $10.00. Moreover the price range changes with the intensity of stone color. Thus the amethyst with dark purple tones is valued more than the light purple color Amethyst. Moreover, if the Amethyst displays secondary purple and blue flashes then it will rise the cost.

However, the people who love pastels knows the importance of softer purple Amethyst. Thus, the light purple Amethyst is more valuable for them as compared to dark purple Amethyst.

For More Gorgeous Designs and rings, visit BBB-Gem.

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