All About Topaz That You Should Know
Topaz is a durable and popular gem made of aluminum and fluorine. It’s a gem that has different types of colors but appears in nature as colorless. It’s colors are produced from heat treatment, irradiation, temperature changes and sunlight exposure. Topaz Engagement Ring is a truly valued gem and here is why?
Mankind has been fascinated with gems and jewelries for hundreds of years because of the aura they exude. This fascination is borne from the fact that gems give a sign of power or wealth and satisfies the yearnings of people to decorate themselves and improve on their appearance.
Today, gems have continued to remain ornaments to adorn one’s body but also to indicate class and style. To even have some gemstones nowadays is a feat in one’s book. Considering how expensive jewelries are, it’s not an item that you can pick at a whim. Although there are replicas which might be easily affordable, they are however replicas! The fake ones are easily identifiable as well.
With that said,it’s great we still have affordable gemstones like Topaz. Despite it being a common stone, it is still one of the most popular in the world.
Many people always think jewelries always have to be expensive to be seen as original. While this is true to an extent, that’s not the case with Topaz Gemstone. It’s much more affordable compared to other gemstones and it is very durable and will not dissolve in solvents like other jewels. It is available in a wide variety of colors but there is one which is the most expensive of them all, and that is the golden orange-yellow topaz.
You may be wondering what makes topaz valuable then, considering how affordable and durable it is.
For starters, it’s aesthetic feat has to be commended. Topaz offers types of gems that suit one’s color preference e for a jewel.
Azotic Topaz - This is an orange-pink gem with a shining rainbow-like effect.
Mystic Topaz- This one is similar to Azotic Topaz but is multicolored and exudes a rainbow gleam effect. Mystic comes in blue, pink etc. Mystic topaz is a new trend for jewelry which is a result of applying titanium oxide on the stone to arrive at the final colored product.
There are other varieties available in the market today which include Blue Topaz, Green Topaz and Brown Topaz. There is a transparent white topaz which is the pure state of topaz but usually blemished with impurities. There is the naturally occurring pink topaz which is extremely rare and because of its rarity, most pink topaz sold commercially have been treated from yellow or brownish stone so you must be careful not to pay the price for a rare pink topaz for a common treated one.
London Blue Topaz Bridal Set
Swiss Topaz Engagement Ring
White Topaz
Cleavage is a term that refers to one of the most notable properties on topaz. Topaz, despite its durability must be handled with extreme care as it has structural nature with a plane that makes bonds weak can cause cleavage flaws to develop.
Commercial topaz deposits can be found in Brazil, Minas Gerais and Ouero Prito. The Ural Mountains of Russia and Siberia contain the gem but the best topaz are found in San Luis Potosi, in Mexico. They can be found in the United States in the Pikes Peak area in Colarado, San Diego and New Hampshire.
Like any other stone, you must keep your topaz from high temperatures, scratches and sharp blows as these can cause flaws to appear in the stone. Always clean your topaz with warm water and soap.